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View Poll Results: Which car do you like more?
Sentra SE-R
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Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's Sentr

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Old 08-31-2009 | 08:27 PM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

SE-R, car looks like it gets the shit driven out of it
Old 08-31-2009 | 09:08 PM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

umad grill piece
Old 08-31-2009 | 10:57 PM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

Most epic thread ever.
Old 08-31-2009 | 10:58 PM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

Originally Posted by The Wok
hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha hahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaah haahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahahahhhaahhaahhahaha
i voted for you, scrub
Old 09-01-2009 | 12:19 AM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

I wish the MR2 was up for the vote instead of the Q45...
Old 09-01-2009 | 09:30 AM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

Complete bullshit.
Old 09-01-2009 | 10:01 AM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

The sentra because A) I like Wok's style and B) because Im not a big fan of the VIP look.
Old 09-01-2009 | 10:08 AM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

i vote for re count. this election was rigged from the get and dennis is getting jew'd.
Old 09-01-2009 | 10:09 AM
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Default Re: Official Dope car Tourney. Round#1, Match#22: monopolizedinc's Q45 VS The Wok's S

Originally Posted by Cheesus
The sentra because A) I like Wok's style and B) because Im not a big fan of the VIP look.
Originally Posted by Don Juan
i vote for re count. this election was rigged from the get and dennis is getting jew'd.
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