Backyard Football
Backyard Football
Anyone want to play today (Sunday) around 4 or 5 pm? Me and some friends have been looking to play, and I know a bunch of you played a couple weeks ago. Maybe we should play more often? The weather has been cooling down too, making for some good football weather.
Me and a couple of people are going to be at the Kiln Creek around that time, so if you want to play some ball, post up and come out.
Me and a couple of people are going to be at the Kiln Creek around that time, so if you want to play some ball, post up and come out.
Re: Backyard Football
We've played flag before. In fact, two of my friends play for separate Newport News Flag football teams. But we don't have our own flags, and tackle is more fun anyways.
Re: Backyard Football
Just wanted to let whoever know we're gonna meet up at Kiln Creek at 4. If you want to come out, we'll be there. It's the fields near the basketball courts and the playground, like if you were going to Ruby Tuesdays, but a lil further down the road on your right. If not this week, maybe we can make plans for next week, but we'll be out there today.